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Congratulations to Mike "Auggie" Augustine and Team from Hebron, Kentucky! 

The 2022 Haunt kicked off at 10:00am on October 15th. Competition was tight with 415 teams from all over Ohio and the Midwest competing against each other.  Auggie's team found the treasure after an incredible six hours!



1.   Long ago it was written

    And now it has been read

    I murmured the spell that raises the dead

    Mark your spot so you don't lose sight

    Emerge now into the light!


2.   Arise now, O One who is Hidden!

   Come out and see!

I see a man outside

A man of victory!

He sees something you cannot miss

The middle one sounds something like this


3.   A man of noble birth once was found

Dead and nameless

So they kept him around

Pay your respects and wish him well

If you need some help

Just go ask Noel


4.   My creature guards this place

Over a politician and his bride

There's no need to visit

So let her last be your guide


5.   REVENGE I seek on those who can decipher

The words that can end this curse

As light moves across the sky

So shall the key be

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